An Entrepreneurial Challenge

Monkeys Grooming

Why So Quiet

I know that it’s been mighty quiet around here lately. I haven’t been ignoring the blog though. I’ve actually been recovering from unexpected surgery.

That annoying stomach ache I was getting more and more frequently turned out to be a very swelled gall bladder. So I finally went to the doctor and was scheduled for surgery the next day (the Ultrasound specialist said that my gall bladder looked scary”).

A Plethora of Firsts

This was an experience of many firsts for me – first time for surgery, first time I’ve ever been under general anesthetic and first time I’ve ever been in the hospital. I do have to say that none of these are an experience I wish to repeat. Although everything went smoothly and the health care professionals that I worked with were excellent.

Luckily, they were able to remove my gall bladder laparoscopically (minimally invasive surgery), which meant a shorter recovery time. The doctor told me that I would be out of commission for a week. “No problem,” I thought. “I can handle a week off.” So I prepared my businesses the best I could and went in for surfer. Things didn’t proceed quite as planned, however. While they were operating on me, they discovered that I also had a hernia (I had no idea!) so they operated on that as well. Unfortunately, the recovery time for that is not quite so fast (no lifting or straining for 6 weeks). But as of right now, I’m on the road to recovery.

Entrepreneurial Challenges

I do have to say that this is one of those times that can be challenging for an entrepreneur. I can’t just call a boss and tell him or her that I won’t be into work for the next 6 weeks. Nobody is going to step in and do my work for me or deal with my clients. There is only me. So this meant that the day after surgery, I was answering e-mail and talking to clients over the phone. Less than two weeks after surgery, I had a two weddings and a rehearsal over the same weekend.

For just a second (OK – maybe longer than a second), I thought about how nice it would have been to simply be able to call in to work and not have to worry about anything work related — to completely rest for the next several weeks and know that my paycheck would be deposited to my account. I might have even briefly questioned my decision to become an entrepreneur.

But these fleeting thoughts quickly disappeared. In reality, I would never willingly trade my freedom for a cubicle. Even though there will be challenging life periods like this one from time to time, I still prefer working for myself. I love the fact that I can explore my creativity and do the work that I want to do, not work that someone forces me to do. I love the freedom to schedule my days as it suits me. I love the fact that I can explore new creative paths on my own. I even came up with some great ideas while lying in bed convalescing.

Yeah, being your own boss can be a pain at times — but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

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