Movie Challenge Check-in

man staring at movie screens

Hey there, friends!

Can you believe it? I’m officially 275 movies deep into my crazy 365-day movie-a-day challenge! Like, who even am I right now? Seriously. When I started this journey, I wasn’t sure I’d get past the first month, let alone make it this far. But here I am, still kicking, still watching, and still blogging about it every single day.

Alright, so what have I learned thus far? Here’s a confession: I always thought I was a bona fide horror buff. I mean, give me some spooky dim lights and a ghost or two, and I’m set, right? Wrong. I’ve realized through this challenge that horror is kinda like the cilantro of movie genres for me. You either love it or you feel like it ruins everything else. Turns out I’ve been picking out those cilantro leaves more often than chewing on them. Most horror flicks I’ve picked have been, I hate to say it, super disappointing.

But guess what? I discovered I’m low-key obsessed with film noir, much like the ones from the 40s and 50s. There’s something so alluring about the grittiness, the heavy shadows, and those oh-so-melodramatic narratives. Seriously, I might just shift my permanent living quarters into a smoky, noir-street corner in my head. More on my film discoveries once I hit the grand finale!

Now, here’s the kicker. The real shocker for me isn’t the movies themselves, but the fact that I’ve managed to blog about each one every single day. Like, who would’ve thunk it? Especially considering how unpredictable life can be. From random weekend getaways to really not feeling like doing anything at all, I’ve still managed to hammer out mini-reviews, often bleary-eyed and all. Fingers crossed, I can keep up the pace for the next couple of months, but with summer in full swing, managing the time is a real juggle.

Just the other day, I was thinking about how cool it would be to showcase some of these films at a friends’ movie night. Bring out the popcorn, dim the lights, and dive into some moody noir or a hidden gem nobody’s heard of. Did you know that “Double Indemnity” (1944) was directed by Billy Wilder who once said, “If you’re going to tell people the truth, be funny or they’ll kill you”? I mean, talk about a quirky life motto!

I’d love to hear any suggestions you guys might have as I enter the last leg of this challenge. Got a film you think I absolutely need to see? Shoot me a message! Maybe it’ll be the next one on my list.

Alright, friends. That’s it for today’s ramble. I’m off to my next cinematic adventure. Maybe tonight I’ll dive into some Kurosawa or revisit a Hitchcock classic. Who knows? The movie world is my oyster right now.


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