Personal Growth

Resolutions are Toast, Goals are the Jam: Why I Ditch the Dry Lists for Delicious Dreams

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So, it’s that time of year again, you know, when everyone starts talking about their resolutions for the year.. And I’m over here like, “Nah, I’m all about setting goals, not resolutions.” Yep, I’m a proud member of Team Goal over Team Resolution. Why? Let me tell you, resolutions taste like cardboard compared to the juicy, ambitious pie of goals.

First off, resolutions feel like a punishment for all the holiday cookie-induced hibernation. “Must…eat…salad…again…” Ugh, just the thought makes me crave eggnog. Goals, on the other hand, are like opening a treasure chest overflowing with possibilities! “I wanna learn to salsa dance like J.Lo!” “I’m gonna write a novel so good, pigeons will spontaneously start wearing tiny spectacles to read it!” Now that’s the kind of motivation I can get behind, no guilt or deprivation required.

Second, resolutions are vague as a fortune cookie message. “Be healthier.” Great, thanks for the existential to-do list. Goals, on the other hand, are like microscopic maps to your dreams. “Go for a 20-minute walk three times a week, starting with my embarrassing polka-dotted jogging suit.” “Write 500 words every Tuesday, fueled by questionable instant coffee and questionable life choices.” Specific, actionable, and slightly ridiculous – that’s my jam.

Third, resolutions crumble under the slightest pressure. One missed gym session and you’re back to Netflix marathons with a side of self-loathing. Goals, my friends, are bouncing rubber balls. They get squashed, they bounce back, they keep rolling towards your awesome future. Missed a writing deadline? No biggie, grab another mug of questionable coffee and get back on track. It’s all about progress, not perfection (and let’s be honest, perfection is boring anyway).

But let’s not forget the emotional rollercoaster – I mean, the emotional experience – of this whole process. Setting a goal and then reaching it? That’s like the emotional equivalent of finding extra fries at the bottom of your takeout bag. Pure joy, people!

Here’s how I see it: goals give you flexibility. Life throws curveballs (like that time I tried to make bread and ended up with a doorstopper), and goals let you dodge, weave, and adjust. Resolutions? Not so much. They’re like, “Oh, you missed a day at the gym? Game over, buddy.”

So, this year, ditch the dry resolutions and embrace the juicy, messy, glorious world of goals. Set them big, set them small, set them so ridiculous they make your cats raise an eyebrow. Just make sure they set your soul on fire, not just your anxiety levels.

Remember, friends, life is like a cosmic buffet: grab the most delicious, inspiring goals you can find and feast on them! And if you stumble along the way? No worries, just pick yourself up, dust off your polka-dotted dreams, and keep on dancing (even if it’s just the salsa of self-forgiveness).

P.S. Did you know that ancient Babylonians made resolutions too? (But theirs were mostly about paying debts, not mastering the Macarena.) Just a fun fact to impress your friends.

Image by Markus Winkler

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Don’t Get Left in the Digital Dust: Why Keeping Up with Tech Matters!

guy with a vr headset
Photo by @soberanes

Today, let’s have a cozy chat about why it’s super important to keep up with technology. Given how quickly technology changes these days, I thought this would be a relevant topic for discussion. I know many people find it challenging to try to keep up with tech and sometimes think it would be easier to give up.  But I’m here to tell you the opposite — that keeping up with tech is super important.

You know that feeling when you’re trying to figure out how to use your new-fangled smartTV, and it might as well be a spaceship control panel? Yeah, been there, done that, and let me tell you, it’s not fun. Trust me, you don’t want to be that person who’s stuck in a state of perpetual confusion because you don’t understand everyday technology. Let’s face it; we live in a digital age, and tech is everywhere. From smartphones to smart homes, from streaming to social media, it’s all around us.

Now, I’m not saying you need to be a tech guru or an expert coder (unless you want to be, of course). But a basic understanding of technology is becoming as essential as knowing how to tie your shoelaces (or maybe even more so). Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Communication: Most of our communication these days happens online. Whether it’s texting, emailing, or video chatting with loved ones, technology is the glue that keeps us connected. Don’t want to be the friend who can’t join the Zoom call because you can’t figure out how to unmute yourself, right?
  2. Work: In the job market, tech skills are in high demand. Whether you’re a doctor, a chef, or an astronaut (okay, maybe not an astronaut), chances are you’ll need to use technology in your work. Plus, understanding tech can make you more efficient and competitive in your career.
  3. Everyday Life: From online shopping to banking to ordering food, technology makes our daily lives easier. Keeping up with it can save you time, money, and a whole lot of hassle.
  4. Not Getting Left Behind: In this digital era, not keeping pace with technology can mean getting left behind. As technology evolves, so does the way society functions. Whether it’s the job market, education, or daily interactions, everything is becoming more tech-centric. Staying updated prevents us from becoming obsolete in our skills and understanding of the world. For me, it is important not to be bumbling around the world in a state of confusion because I didn’t bother to try and understand everyday technology.
  5. Staying Safe & Secure: With the rise in digital technology, there’s also an increase in cyber threats. Understanding the latest in tech means you’re better equipped to protect yourself against cyberattacks and data breaches. Knowledge about things like secure passwords, two-factor authentication, and data encryption is super important.
  6. Making Informed Decisions: When you’re up-to-date with technology, you can make more informed decisions about the tech products and services you use. This knowledge can save you money (no more buying tech you don’t need!) and improve your overall experience with technology.
  7. Never Stop Learning: Finally, keeping up with technology is a continuous learning process. It keeps your mind active and engaged, and there’s always something new to discover. Whether it’s a new app, a software update, or a groundbreaking gadget, the tech world is constantly evolving, offering endless opportunities to learn and grow.

So what’s the secret?

For someone who isn’t tech-savvy, keeping up with technology can seem daunting. Heck, it’s even exhausting for those of us who enjoy tech. However, there are several accessible ways to gradually increase your understanding and comfort with new tech:

  • Start with Basic Online Tutorials: Look for beginner-friendly tutorials on platforms like YouTube or Khan Academy. They often have step-by-step guides on various tech topics, explained in simple terms.
  • Use Simplified Tech News Sources: Websites like Digital Trends or Tech for Luddites offer technology news and information in an easy-to-understand format, avoiding overly technical jargon.
  • Enroll in Introductory Tech Courses: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, or your local community college offer beginner courses in computer literacy, internet basics, and introductory courses in various software.
  • Leverage Interactive Learning Tools: Tools like Duolingo for languages or Codecademy for coding offer interactive, user-friendly ways to learn at your own pace, often starting from a very basic level.
  • Join Beginner-Friendly Tech Communities: Online forums or local clubs for beginners can provide a supportive environment for learning and asking questions. Platforms like Meetup can help you find local groups.
  • Explore Technology in Public Libraries: Many public libraries offer free access to computers and basic computer classes, as well as resources like books and online materials for learning about technology.
  • Ask for Help from Family and Friends: If you have family members or friends who are more tech-savvy, ask them for guidance or to explain things in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Use Technology in Daily Life: Incorporate technology into your daily activities, like using a smartphone for tasks like shopping or navigation, which can help you get comfortable with tech in a practical, hands-on way.
  • Set Small, Achievable Goals: Start with small goals, like learning to send an email, using a new app, or understanding how to protect your online privacy.
  • Stay Patient and Persistent: Remember that technology is a vast field and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time and celebrate small victories in your learning journey.
  • Read Tech Blogs: Well, I’m a big fan of tech blogs! I subscribe to several of them and make it a point to read them daily. These blogs are like my tech-savvy friends who keep me in the know about the latest gadgets, software updates, and tech trends. They break down complex tech jargon into everyday language, so even tech newbies can grasp the concepts.

By starting with the basics and gradually building up your skills, you can become more comfortable and confident in navigating the ever-changing world of technology.

So, the bottom line is this: Don’t let technology pass you by. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to your advantage. Subscribe to a few tech blogs, follow tech influencers on social media, or join online tech forums to stay informed. It’s not about being a tech wizard; it’s about staying engaged with the world around you.

As technology continues to evolve at lightning speed, you don’t want to amble about in a state of confusion. Instead, be the person who confidently navigates the digital landscape, adapts to new tech effortlessly, and can impress their friends with their tech-savvy prowess. Who knows, you might even find that you enjoy it! So, stay curious, stay connected, and stay tech-savvy, my friends. 🚀📱💻


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Why Worrying About Messing Up is the Biggest Mess-Up

Photo by Francisco De Legarreta C

Hey folks!

So, I stumbled upon a quote by Elbert Hubbard that kinda slapped me across the face with its truth-bomb so I thought I’d share some of my thoughts on it with you. The quote goes like this:

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make a mistake.”

And man, oh man, does that hit close to home or what?

We’ve all been there, right? Tiptoeing around, trying not to trip up and face-plant into a big ol’ pile of mistakes. But here’s the kicker – getting all caught up in the what-ifs and the oh-noes is basically like walking around with a “I’m gonna goof up” sign hanging over our heads.

Let’s break it down. When you’re so busy worrying about screwing up, you’re not really living. You’re just… existing. Kinda like when you’re too scared to text someone because you might say the wrong thing. Or when you don’t try that new taco place because you might not like it and feel like you wasted your meal. Sounds familiar, huh?

I’ve been thinking about what good ol’ Hubbard meant, and here’s the deal: Life’s about taking those weird, wild, and wacky turns. It’s about trying that hot sauce that could either be the best thing ever or a one-way ticket to Heartburn City. It’s about sending that text, because hey, the person on the other end might just be as weird as you.

The reality is, mistakes are gonna happen. They’re like those annoying subscription emails – no matter what, they find a way into your inbox. But here’s the twist – they’re not just junk. Mistakes are the spam that teaches you how to use the “unsubscribe” link. They’re the real MVPs in the game of life, coaching you to be better, smarter, and maybe even a little bit braver.

So here’s what I’m proposing: Let’s not let the fear of messing up keep us from playing the game. Let’s not be the person who never knows the glorious taste of victory (or the best dang tacos in town) because we never stepped up to the plate. Let’s be the person who wears their mistakes like badges of honor – because that means we were in the game, swinging, running, and living.

Remember, the only real flub is letting the fear of flubs keep you from doing your thing.

Now go out there, text that person, try that taco, and live like Hubbard’s watching and nodding his head, saying, “Yep, you got it.”

Okay…Roger and out!

Photo by Francisco De Legarreta C

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On Resentment

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Today I came across a quote by Nelson Mandela that reads, “Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”  I’ve come across this particular one before, and each time, it resonated with me strongly.

I know quite a few people that are extremely angry and resentful toward others who have wronged them in some way. This could be an ex-lover/spouse or someone who got promoted when they didn’t. I know someone who broke up with their ex years ago, and they still talk about them with vitriol, like the event happened only yesterday.

I’ve seen this kind of internalized resentment tear people apart the longer they hold onto it. It pollutes our thoughts and blocks us from living contented lives. It’s as if by remaining angry that they can somehow hurt the person at whom that anger is directed. But what happens instead is that our bitterness only affects ourselves. Hell — the other person doesn’t even know we’re angry (and probably wouldn’t care if they did). It does not affect them in the least, no matter how much we consciously or subconsciously wish pain upon them.

This is why it’s often said that we don’t forgive people for their sake but for ours. Forgiving someone doesn’t say that what they did was okay. Rather, forgiveness is for our own benefit. It’s to grant us the ability to move on and put all of those resentments behind us so we can begin to heal. After all, the damage has been done. It’s over and finished. Holding onto it will never change what happened. The only thing left to do is to let it go.

People may tell us that we need to “forgive and forget,” and as we all know, that’s much easier said than done. It may take a while and may even require counseling — or at the very least, a non-judgmental friend with whom you can unburden yourself.

What worked for me in the past was to recognize those negative thoughts the moment they popped up and replace them with positive ones. Expressing gratitude for all of the existing gifts in my life also helped me.

But most importantly, I also reminded myself that by continuing down this rabbit hole of negativity, I’m hurting myself a hell of a lot more than I’m hurting them — and it was time to stop.

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On Comparisonitis

I came across a quote earlier this week by Tim Kreider, who said something to the effect of: “We only get one shot at life, and once you reach a certain age, every one of your peers gives you a “glimpse of the parallel universes” that would have resulted had you made different choices.”

This really resonated with me, especially in regards to social media. So many of us closely follow the lives of our friends and family, often wondering what our lives would have been like if we’d take the same path as them (for good or ill). People refer to this as “comparisonitis” — when we measure our lives to those of others, especially successful people. The downside of this is feelings of inadequacy with our own lives — a feeling that we’ve somehow failed. I know I’ve been guilty of this.

We see our friends jet-setting around the globe, attending fancy parties with gorgeous people at their sides. They chat about their high-powered careers and expensive purchases. While I do find it fun to have a peek at the lives of our loved ones, the key thing to remember, however, is that people on social media show only the best and most “perfect” aspects of their life. They may not be posting about their cheating partner, mean-spirited boss, or the high mortgage on their McMansion that leaves them little money for much else.

We got so caught up in all of the “glamorous” posts that we forget that we’re only seeing the good, not the bad (and everyone has some “bad” going on in their lives). Sure, it may appear as though the grass is greener on the other side, but again, we only see one side of the story.

It’s also important to remember that we’re all different. For example, why compare yourself to a successful computer programmer when you have little aptitude for computers? Or to a high-level accountant if you’re rubbish with numbers? It’s like comparing apples and oranges.

While comparing ourselves to others can help to increase our motivation and inspire us to achieve our goals, it also can instill feelings of inadequacy. It can give us feelings of self-doubt, shame, anxiety, and even self-loathing. Our mind jumps down the rabbit hole of toxic thoughts, sometimes leaving us paralyzed. It can have severe effects on our mental health, leading to anxiety and depression.

I hate to admit that there have been times when I’ve felt that I’d taken the wrong path in life. I thought that if I had stuck with the corporate world, I would be in a much stronger financial situation than I was in. But then I reminded myself of how much I hated the corporate environment and how working for myself has provided me with different types of opportunities.

I’ve found that the first step in combatting “comparisonitis” is in recognizing it. When these feelings of inadequacy have arisen in the past, I decided to take action instead of having regrets. If at any point I felt that I was unhappy with my current path, I took that energy and directed into taking concrete action towards my goals and dreams. I’ve always said that focusing on the past does no good whatsoever — it’s only the “now” that matters. If you don’t like the trajectory of your current life, then change it. I recall someone once said that your life is like a play – if you don’t like the way it’s going, write a new script.

I also find it helpful to scale back on social media, given that because of it, it is easier than ever to compare ourselves. What’s especially heart-wrenching is that our children and teens are falling into this same trap. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and I believe this to be true, whether you are an adult or a child.

So if this happens to you, know that you’re not alone. While it’s fantastic to have role models and be inspired by others, we need to be careful not to enter into comparisonitis territory. And if we do, recognizing it is the first step and shutting it down. And most importantly, remember that you are enough.

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Learning to Draw

When I was in high school, I had an art teacher who, after having taken a look at my drawing, told me:

“Whatever you do, Roger, don’t quit your day job.”

Now anyone else would have had their feelings hurt or their self-esteem shattered by such a statement, especially by a teacher. But not me.

Because I knew I couldn’t draw.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I can draw stick figures and even then, not very well.

So I went through my entire life assuming I absolutely, positively could not draw. “I don’t have an artistic bone in my body,” I’ve told myself more than once.

Then last year, a strange thing happened. One day I watched a YouTube video where the creator had learned to draw in his 50’s, after believing for his entire life that he had no artistic talent. Because he’d always thought he couldn’t draw, he never picked up a pencil and tried. Not once. Until now…and to his surprise, he ended up being quite talented.

So that got the old wheels ‘a turning, and I started wondering whether I could learn to draw…whether such a thing could even be possible. They say you never know until you try.

So I’ve decided to try.

Just for shits and grins, I purchased a drawing video course at the beginning of this year, and I’ve decided to go through it and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I’m no worse off than I am right now.

Best case scenario, I’ll be posting my drawings to this blog.

So this was another thing that I should have added to my “19 Things….in 2019” list. But then that would’ve made 20 so it wouldn’t have worked. So I’ll just keep it here.

Stay tuned for drawing drama in the coming weeks.

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19 Things I Hope To Accomplish in 2019

I was updating my 2019 bullet journal and was working on my “19 Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2019” page. This is where I create a list of goals for the coming year that match the two-digit year. I started this last year actually with “18 Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2018.”

Looking back, I didn’t do too badly last year – there were only a couple of things I didn’t accomplish, but I’m merely going to move them to this year’s list. So without further ado:

19 Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2019


1. Finish my Ghost Oracle series.

This is my young adult urban fantasy series featuring a tarot-slinging high school boy named Nick who can see ghosts. I am working on the fifth book right now and will be outlining the sixth one in the coming weeks. Would be nice to wrap the series up this year.

2. Increase my BookTube videos to 3 per week.

I just started my BookTube channel last year and put out an average of 2 videos a week. This year, I want to increase that amount and be more consistent with posting. So I’m aiming for 3 per week, every week. Which brings me to number 3.

3. Create a video review for every book I read.

I did a few video reviews on my BookTube channel last year but this year, I’m going to try and post a mini review video for every book I read.

4. Travel to Québec

Thinking of taking a train trip to Québec this year, a city that I’ve always wanted visit. Still unsure about whether I’ll be driving or taking the train. The train would no doubt be quite an adventure.

5. Publish my Gay Ghost Story collection by Halloween

I started a collection of gay ghost stories awhile back but never got around to publishing them. Once the idea for my Ghost Oracle series popped into my head, I’ve put a lot of my energy into that and the story collection got pushed aside. So I’m going to try and resurrect it and would like to publish it by Halloween.

6. Read 110 books.

Last year I set my Goodreads reading goal to 100 books and I ended up reading 147, the highest number ever. I typically read between 80 and 100 so I dod extra good in 2018. This year, I’m upping that goal to 110 books, that’s a little better than 2 books a week. Should be able to handle that.

7. Return to knitting

I know, this is a strange one. But when I was a kid, the neighbor lady taught me how to knit….not purl or anything list, just the plain old knit stitch. I actually knitted a ton of scarves back then. This year, I want to get back to knitting (figure it’d be a good thing to do whilst watching YouTube videos) but learn how to make other things like hats, mittens, fingerless gloves…hell, even sweaters. So I picked up some needles, got me some yarn so I’m ready to get crackin’!

8. Get back on the bicycle

In my youth, I was a huge bicyclist and put on a couple thousand miles each season. That, however, came to a screeching halt a few years back after I purchased a maxi-scooter. Since then, any free time during my summers has been spent on the scooter. I was thinking a while back about how much I missed bicycling and how much better shape I was in when I would put in 100+ miles every week on the bicycle. So I’m going to pump up those tires this spring and get back on the saddle, as it were.

9. Record video courses

Okay, this is kind of work thing. I write computer courseware and have done so for nearly 20 years now. I decided toward the end of last year to increase my offerings to include video courses. I’ve already started working on my first one and thus far, it’s going swimmingly. I hope to get at least 3 or 4 of them done this year. We’ll see.

10. Take more long weekends.

This year, we decided that rather than taking one long 3-week vacation like we’ve done in the past, that we would instead take more long weekends, like 3, 4 or 5-day trips. It’d be nice to have a lot more traveling to look forward to in the coming year. Several long weekend trips sounds like a lot of fun.

11. Pare down possessions

I want to do a bit more decluttering this year. The goal at some point is to move to a condo in a warmer climate so I want to start by doing some paring down this year. I have a few things that I used to collect that I plan on getting rid of, as well as a lot of my books.

12. Get back into photography

Last year was a super busy year for me, and I ended up putting my photography on the back burner, and it’s something that I really miss doing. This year, I’m going to get back into it so I plan on taking more photo walks and weekend photo safaris.

13. Watch more photography classes

I purchased a few photography technique classes quite a while ago that I never finished and ended up forgetting about them. This year, I put “photography learning” in my weekly calendar so I hope to finish off the videos this year….and hopefully get a lot more real-world practice.

14. Live a Calendar-Based Lifestyle

I wrote about this earlier this year…or was it last year? Anyway, I plan on scheduling anything I want to get done on my Google calendar which hopefully, will give me a more realistic look at what I can actually accomplish during the day. Going to give this a go for at least a year to see if it’ll work for me.

15. Start a new book series

This is dependent on whether I can wrap up my Ghost Oracle series this year. I’ve been rattling around a couple of ideas for a new book series and would like to turn those ideas into action this year.

16. Write at least one standalone

I’ve also outlined a few standalone novel ideas that I wouldn’t mind getting started on. At the very least, I hope to publish at least one Christmas story this year (this is carried over from 2018).

17. Stick to my writing goals

For a while now, I’ve been writing a minimum of 1,100 words a day, rain or shine. I remember last year I started out strong but then other things pushed my writing aside and I fell behind on my projects. This year, want to make sure that I stick with my current streak. I think that calendar-based project planning has really helped with that.

18. Expand my Book Blog

Last year, I started my book blog “Roger’s Reads” where I post a review for every book I read. This year, I hope to expand the blog and add other content such as book tags, book lists, information on literary prizes and other bookish items of interest. I’m really enjoying the book blog and would like to grow it a lot more. Of course, I must be careful not to neglect this blog in the process.

19. Have more fun!

This was on last year’s list and it’s debatable whether I kept this one up or not. I do have a tendency to be a workaholic, so I’ve scheduled time right in my calendar for relaxation. The long weekend trips and photography safaris should help me accomplish this goal as well.

That’s it! These aren’t resolutions, mind you. I don’t do resolutions. They’re not necessarily goals either. Rather, these are simply some things I’d like to accomplish in the coming year, some things to aim for.

How about you? What do you hope to accomplish in the coming year?

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