Goodbye Field Notes (for now)
Even though I’ve been a fan of the Field Notes Brand of notebooks for many years now, and I love writing in them, the time has come for us to part ways. I recently went to renew my yearly subscription and I was more than a bit stunned to see that the subscription was now $120 per year — for a few pocket notebooks every three months.
If I used every notebook I received, it might be a different story. But I have stacks upon stacks of the notebooks on my shelf, most of them yet unopened. With the subscription, the company typically sends you two packs of three notebooks each quarter, which comes to about 24 notebooks a year, which is much more than I go through. Usually, it takes me about two months to work my way through a notebook, sometimes less. I also maintain a bullet journal, so a lot of my daily writing ends up in there. I’ve been considering moving my bullet journal to the Field Notes notebooks, given that I have so many of them that are not being used.
So basically, this is a case of me buying way more notebooks than I need, leading to kind of a hoarding situation.
But it was really the cost of the subscription that gave me pause. When I first started subscribing, I think the price was around $80, maybe even less. Even then, I thought the subscription was a tad expensive for paper products, but I liked them, so I figured ‘what the hell.’ When the cost jumped to $99, I hesitated again, trying to decide if they were worth the price. But this time, at $120, I decided to pull the plug. It’s an awful lot of money for something that mostly sits on my shelves, unused. Plus, the ever-growing stack of notebooks is a bit silly. Thus, I made the decision to work my way through the ones I’ve already purchased before bringing any new ones into the house.
Now, am I saying I’ll never again purchase a Fields Notes notebook? Not at all. In fact, if they release an especially compelling edition, I may log onto their site and purchase just that specific notebook pack. I especially like the oversized editions they come out with occasionally. But my main goal is to work through the ones I have first. Once I do, I might even consider subscribing again.
I have to admit that I will miss seeing that package arrive every quarter with exciting new notebooks for me to discover. But, on the bright side, I now get to enjoy all those unused notebooks that came to my house in past subscriptions!
Goodbye Field Notes (for now) Read Post »