Last day of the year….kind of crazy how quickly the past few months time flew by.
Today, I spent the majority of my day planning for 2019. Not making resolutions, mind you, but planning.
Resolutions are to be broken. Goals/plans are to be achieved. Says who, you may ask? Says me…or at least this has been my experience.
So today, I put together a list of my business goals and personal goals for the coming year — things I hope to accomplish in my professional and personal life — and then I scheduled it all on my calendar (faithfully adhering to my “calendar-based productivity system”). So it looks as though 2019 is going to be “the year of writing’ for me as I have many, many books planned, some fiction, some non-fiction, and some courseware (though these are better classified as manuals rather than books — 400-page manuals mind you, but still manuals nonetheless).
And several video courses too. But these will be for techie stuff like Lightroom and Photoshop.
Speaking of books, one of my fiction books will be published in January (fingers crossed). This would be Book 4 in my Ghost Oracle series in which Nick once again gets himself in a whole heap of trouble. Huh…I just realized that I don’t have a title for the book yet. I guess I better get on that.
Book 5 is also nearly half written so you should be seeing this one pop up in the coming months.
Oh — and there is also a new series that I’m working on that will hopefully see the light of day this year (But shhh! It’s a secret!).
Some of the stuff I’m planning for the coming year was stuff that I should have done in 2018. But two surgeries delayed me a tad and pushed me off schedule. A lot. But now I’m back on track and ready to face 2019 with optimism (and no surgeries!).
What are your goals for 2019?