Blog Update

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I used to post a lot of book reviews on this blog — so many, in fact, that I decided to create an entirely separate blog for them called “Roger’s Reads.” So for the past couple of years, I’ve posted reviews several times a week on that blog.

The result, unfortunately, was that I ended up ignoring this blog except for a few updates here and there. After some careful deliberation, I decided to scale back on reviews. I was spending an inordinate amount of time on them when I felt I should be putting my energy into other things. Given that I sometimes read close to 200 books a year, that’s a lot of reviews!

So I’ll only be doing reviews for Advanced Reader Copies that I receive, and I’ll be turning my attention back to this blog – though I may chat about some favorite books here from time to time. As usual, I’ll be writing about things that interest me: writing, photography, tech, and musings about everyday life.

I’m considering doing a challenge where I publish a blog post every day for 90-day. Let’s see how it goes.

I’ve you’re not interested in my daily ramblings, note that I also have a weekly newsletter in which I share news about my novels as well as links to articles that I shared on Social Media over the past week.

So stay tuned. More posts are coming.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

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