Movie-a-Day Challenge: Multiverse

multiverse movie imageThis post is part of my movie-a-day challenge in which I will watch a film every day for 365 days. Today is Day 84. You can see all the posts for this challenge HERE. To see the original Movie-a-Day Challenge post, click HERE.

Hey friends,

Strap yourselves in because we’re warping into a review of the 2019 mind-bender, “Multiverse” by Gaurav Seth! I, your resident reality-questioning king, had to dive into this one. You know me, I can’t resist a good existential head-scratcher, even if it means sacrificing brain cells along the way.

So, picture this: four college students, armed with nothing but textbooks and teenage angst, stumble upon a way to, like, poke holes between universes. Talk about a Tuesday night, am I right? Things get trippy real fast when one of them, Loretta (Paloma Kwiatkowski, rocking some serious Hermione Granger vibes), accidentally swaps places with her alternate self from…well, another universe, obviously. Cue the identity crisis, the doppelganger drama, and enough existential angst to fuel a fleet of starships.

I gotta admit, the premise had me hooked. Slipping between realities? Messing with the very fabric of space-time? Sign me up, Gaurav! You know me, I can’t resist anything that messes with my head more than my morning coffee! But here’s the thing: “Multiverse” is like that friend who’s got all the cool ideas but struggles to translate them into a coherent story. The plot jumps around like a caffeinated kangaroo, throwing out mind-blowing concepts without fully exploring them. One minute we’re grappling with the butterfly effect, the next we’re dodging car crashes and murderous doppelgangers (played by the ever-creepy Munro Chambers, who totally nails the “psycho in your basement” look). It’s a rollercoaster, sure, but one with a broken brake system and a tendency to veer off the tracks.

The acting, though? Not half bad! Sandra Mae Frank holds her own as the dual Amys, switching between shy bookworm and confident badass with ease. The way she subtly shifted her body language, facial expressions, and even vocal inflections (through sign language) to embody these contrasting personalities was truly impressive. And Munro Chambers, as I mentioned, brings the chills. His intensity is off the charts. The rest of the cast is solid, too, even if their characters are a bit underdeveloped.

I guess the thing that left me feeling, well, meh, was the lack of resolution. Everything gets so tangled up in the multiverse spaghetti that by the end, I was just like, “Okay, cool portals, but what’s the point?” There’s no grand revelation, no mind-blowing twist that justifies the narrative whiplash. It’s like the movie built this epic maze, then forgot to put the cheese at the end.

So, would I recommend “Multiverse“? If you’re a die-hard sci-fi fan who thrives on ambiguity and enjoys a good head-scratch, then maybe. Personally, I’m a sucker for anything that bends my brain into a pretzel. But for casual viewers looking for a clear-cut story with a satisfying payoff, this might not be your jam. It’s definitely a trip, but one that might leave you feeling a little lost and disoriented. It’s a weird one, friends.

So yeah, “Multiverse” is a mixed bag. It’s got a killer premise, decent acting, and some genuinely trippy moments. It’s not the worst sci-fi flick I’ve seen, but it’s not exactly a portal to cinematic nirvana either.

Hey, at least it gave me something to think about while I stare at the ceiling and contemplate the infinite possibilities of existence. You know, the usual Tuesday night stuff.

Until tomorrow! Keep questioning reality, embracing the weird, and maybe avoid poking holes in the fabric of space-time unless you’re really, really sure you know what you’re doing.

Stay groovy, ✌️

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