This post is part of my movie-a-day challenge in which I will watch a film every day for 365 days. Today is Day 186! You can see all the posts for this challenge HERE. To see the original Movie-a-Day Challenge post, click HERE.
Hey folks,
So, I finally decided to check out the sci-fi classic, “Total Recall,” directed by the one and only Paul Verhoeven. And let me tell you, it’s been an absolute mind trip, in the best possible way! This 1990 gem, with its layers of reality and memory, really makes you question, “What the heck is real, anyway?” 🤯
The story kicks off with Douglas Quaid, played by the ever-iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger, who’s just a regular Joe with a construction gig. But you know, Doug’s got these wild dreams/nightmares about Mars that are more vivid than my last vacation. Seriously, it’s like he’s been there, living another life. Cue the intrigue, right? So, he hits up this sketchy company called Rekall Inc. that implants memories of vacations you wish you’d taken. Talk about a risky way to scratch the travel itch!
Next thing you know, the procedure goes haywire, and Quaid finds out maybe he’s not who he thinks he is. Bam! His life turns upside down, and he’s dodging bullets, with villains on his tail and even his own wife trying to take him out. Talk about a rough day! Sharon Stone plays the wife, Lori, and she totally nails the sweet-turned-sinister vibe.
The story unfolds through a trippy mix of timelines, flashbacks, and dream sequences, leaving you constantly questioning what’s actually happening. Is Quaid a sleeper agent with a secret past, or is he just a construction worker who got a bad batch of fake memories? The film cleverly throws in clues here and there, but it never spoon-feeds you the answers. Part of the fun is trying to figure out the puzzle alongside Quaid, which honestly, feels a lot like waking up from a crazy dream where you can’t quite remember the details, but you know it was wild.
As Quaid travels to Mars to sort out his scrambled memories, the movie throws us into a whirlpool of rebels, espionage, and a rebel leader with a plan to save the colonists from the greedy administrator Cohaagen, who’s hogging all the air up there. The landscapes of Mars, by the way, are a dusty red delight—a visual treat that’s gritty and kinda makes you feel like you’re there, dust in your mouth and all.
Honestly, watching this film is like peeling an onion with surprise layers, not knowing if the next one’s gonna make you cry or laugh. It’s a wild mash-up of action, sci-fi, and a bit of a psychological thriller all rolled into one. Schwarzenegger’s one-liners are just icing on the cake. Or maybe the cherry on top? Anyway, they’re great.
This movie isn’t perfect. The plot can be confusing at times, and the violence might be a bit much for some viewers. But hey, it’s a Paul Verhoeven film! The man’s known for pushing boundaries and making audiences squirm. But that’s also what makes Total Recall so memorable.
So yeah, this is a sci-fi action flick with a healthy dose of dark humor, mind-bending twists, and enough cheese to fill a Wisconsin dairy farm. So, if you’re looking for a movie that will keep you guessing until the very end, and leave you with more questions than answers, then Total Recall is definitely worth checking out.
Peace out ✌️
Thank you Roger. You did a great review of this film
Thank you Mark! 😄