Okay, I’ve got some good, no, INCREDIBLE news that I’ve been dying to share with you all—Nick’s Destiny is FINALLY out! 🎉 Yep, the grand finale to the Ghost Oracle series is officially out in the wild, ready to be devoured by all you book-loving ghouls and gals out there. 👻
I honestly can’t believe how wild this journey has been—both for me as a writer and for Nick as a character. I mean, who knew that my caffeine-fueled late-night writing sessions yakking away at my keyboard would lead here? But here we are, standing on the precipice (ugh, did I just use ‘precipice’ in a sentence? 😂) with Nick, ready to face down the darkness of Gallowspine Mountains.
For those wondering what they’re getting into, here’s the deal with Nick’s Destiny: Nick Michelson finds himself smack dab in the middle of a prophecy, and you KNOW how well those tend to go. Demons, soul-hunting, and a town that’s hanging on by a spectral thread—oh yeah, the stakes are sky-high. And let’s not forget that he’s got Gabe and a posse of psychics by his side. But when you’re basically the chosen one (or The Light One, as they call him), you know things are bound to get messy.
But don’t just take my word for it—check it out for yourself! I’m not joking when I say it’s heart-pounding, soul-searching, and probably has way too many cliffhangers. You can grab it here:
- Amazon (both ebook and print): Nick’s Destiny on Amazon
- Kobo (ebook): Nick’s Destiny on Kobo
- Barnes & Noble (ebook): Nick’s Destiny on Barnes & Noble
- Apple Books (ebook): Nick’s Destiny on Apple Books
It should be available at other retailers soon!
Honestly, it feels like wrapping up a long, long chapter of my life—and I’m not just talking about the time spent in front of the computer screen. Writing this book meant diving deep into the cracks of my brain-pan, and there were moments when I wasn’t sure if I’d make it out the other side with all my marbles intact. But Nick’s story was rattling around in there, refusing to let me go until it was unleashed upon the world—and trust me, I tried to procrastinate, but Nick was having none of it.
I couldn’t be more excited for you all to read this last book and see how Nick faces what’s ahead—betrayals, sacrifices, and all. I hope you all think that the payoff will be worth the journey, so buckle up and dive in.