Welcome to my Weekly Roundup where on Saturday, I post links to things I shared on social media throughout the week that I thought were interesting. I’ll also include book news, cover reveals, and more goodies.
Speaking of book news, I recently released my werewolf book, “Norian’s Gamble for wide publication. For the first 90-days, I offered it exclusively through Kindle Unlimited as I know many people enjoy the service. I have since pulled in from KU and the book will be now available at your favorite online publishers (NOT just at Amazon): Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Scribd, Amazon, etc. You can purchase the book using the following universal link: https://books2read.com/u/bQPxNv or do a search for ‘Norian’s Gamble’ at your favorite online bookstore. It is still available in paperback format from Amazon.
But next up, I’ll be releasing a gay young adult contemporary novel the takes place at a hockey academy. Editing is coming along nicely.
By the way, I also send out a newsletter about once a month where I chat about my upcoming releases, offer discounts, and other related goodies. So if you wish to receive it, you can subscribe HERE.
Just for a quick heads up, next week’s Weekly Roundup will not be published until late Sunday, or possibly on Monday because I’ll be out of town visiting family.
So on to the roundup.
15 Things I Thought Were Worth Sharing
- For my writer friends: How to Come Up with the Perfect Book Title There was also this article entitled: How to Shorten a Story: Writing Tips to Decrease Your Word Count
- Thoughtful article about the effects of Social Media on our psyche: Is social media (re)traumatizing you?
- Interesting article about entitlement and consumerism: The new entitlement of the American consumer
- Thanks to the mistrust of big tech, the creation of better tools for developers, and the weird and wonderful creativity of ordinary people, we’re seeing an incredibly unlikely comeback: the web is thriving again.
- Some of these images are stunning: Impressive Aerial Photographs By Cédric Houmadi
- Just for fun and cuteness: Times Pets Surprised Their Owners By Showing Just How Intelligent They Can Be
- For the horror lover: Author creates A Dark Comic Series With Lots Of Twists, Secrets, Creepy Characters And Spooky Pen And Ink Artwork, Here’s Part 4
- Can’t wait for this! Watch Boy Meet Boy in Full “Heartstopper” Trailer. Also, HBO Max Announced Its First Gay Superhero Project – Gayety
- For my writer friends: How to Finish a Novel: 10 Ways to Follow Through – Now Novel
- I love this collection Of The Most Spine-Chilling Things Kids Have Ever Said, As Shared In This Viral Twitter Thread
- These images are quite fun: Extraordinary Pictures Taken By Jeffrey De Keyser Embracing “The Absurd Human Condition”
- A library system announces a program to challenge the tide of book bannings
- Some of these caused me to cackle out loud: Times Misheard Words In Conversations Ended Up Having Hilarious Results. These are also a lot of fun: “People Who’ve Been Banned From Somewhere For Life, What Happened?”. There’s also this fun thread of: Incredibly Rude Or Weird Guests Who Made People Regret Ever Inviting Them To Their Homes
- The Heartbreaks and Complications of School-Age Desire: A Reading List
- This article chats about Six Novels with an Overwhelming Sense of Unease, Slow-Burning Menace, and Coercive Control. Also for the book lover, this article introduces Shelf Talkers, a new series in which indie booksellers around the country share their favorite reads of the moment. First up: The Bookshop in East Nashville, Tennessee
Oh, and just in case you haven’t heard about this: Elon Musk Wants to Buy 100% of Twitter for $43 Billion
Nick’s Awakening is the first book in my Ghost Oracle series.
Nick Michaelson is 16 and….
👻 He can see ghosts
🃏He reads Tarot cards
💭He gets visions of the future
🏃♂️He may or may not have a crush on his best friend
🔥 And ghosts come to him for help…and some, for revenge
☠️But what about when Nick needs help?